Retreats in Nature
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Focus on the Individual
retreat here? At Rasayana Cove we receive one
to three clients in residence at a time. This allows
focused attention for the transformational process. There is no
need to socialize or be involved with other people. It is a rare
opportunity to settle into oneself, yet know that support is continuously
available. We offer a listening ear without judgment. Our counsel
is based on the Ayurveda model of integrated mind, body, and spirit.
Authentic Ayurvedic Treatments
Our aim at Rasayana Cove is to offer the clinical treatments of Ayurveda in accordance with the tradition as it is practiced in the therapy centers of Kerala, India. We are qualified and competent to meet this goal having conducted research and gained practical experience in that region over a period of years.
Since 1991 we have visited the most respected Ayurvedic establishments both as clients and as trainees, meeting and learning from practitioners of all levels in clinical protocol. The oils used in our treatments are imported from India and prepared at The Kerala Pharmacy by Ayurvedic doctors according to classical formulations taken from primary texts.
See Rasayana Treatments. Read more about
Ayurvedic Oils.
Ayurvedic Cooking
Learn to enhance the taste and digestibility of your cooking with techniques that follow Ayurvedic guidelines. We meet daily in the house kitchen to prepare the main meal of organic grains, beans, vegetables and ghee all flavored with Ayurvedic spices to increase assimilation of nutrients to deeper tissues. Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of the food we eat and the strength of our digestion. Develop the skills to nourish your well being.
Read more about Ayurvedic Cooking.
are located in central Florida, an agricultural region rich in vast
cattle ranches and orange groves, yet we are only an hour or two
away from five major airports. Being predominantly agricultural and
wild, this part of the state has escaped the unbridled urban development
that now characterizes both the east and west coasts of the peninsula.
The pristine environment at Rasayana Cove nourishes our oneness with
the elements -- space, air, fire, water, and earth. The green fields,
spreading oaks, ponds, woodlands, flower gardens and wildlife rejuvenate
our whole being and remind us of our unity with the source of all
life. See Retreats in Nature.